Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

How to Become an Early Riser

Monday, March 27th, 2006

I have several times tried to become an early riser just to gain more time to write, but I’ve never had much success. And then I find this quite serious and at the same time quite weird blog of Steve Pavlina, who experiments with sleeping patterns. He sleeps less and less, but he is more energetic and productive than ever.

How to Become an Early Riser: “Steve Pavlina . com
Personal Development for Smart People

How to Become an Early Riser
May 23rd, 2005 by Steve Pavlina
It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.
- Aristotle

Are morning people born or made? In my case it was definitely made. In my early 20s, I rarely went to bed before midnight, and I’d almost always sleep in late. I usually didn’t start hitting my stride each day until late afternoon.

But after a while I couldn’t ignore the high correlation between success and rising early, even in my own life. On those rare occasions where I did get up early, I noticed that my productivity was almost always higher, not just in the morning but all throughout the day. And I also noticed a significant feeling of well-being. So being the proactive goal-achiever I was, I set out to become a habitual e”


Trance-hyldest til Hitler

Sunday, March 26th, 2006 - Nyheder - Trance-hyldest til Hitler

Folkets stemme

Friday, March 24th, 2006

Folkets stemme: “MEDIEKOMMENTAR:
Podcasting er for alvor ved at vinde fodfæste i Danmark

‘De store statskanalers monopol på meningsdannelsen er forbi. For i fremtiden kommer vi alle til at have vores egen radiostation.’

Så svulstige er ordene fra ‘Djævlens Advokat’, en ny podcast, der vil angribe sine emner og interviewpersoner ud fra en liberal grundholdning. Formen er en P1-kopi, hvor indholdet får ros og skaber debat på, men den tekniske udførelse halter. Og det skriver jeg ikke for at nedgøre de to producenter bag podcasten. Mange andre podcasts lider også under dårlig teknisk kvalitet, for lyd er nu engang sværere end skrift, ligesom tv er sværere end radio. Hvis man vil beherske hele fødekæden vel at mærke. Og det skal man, hvis man vil podcaste.

I 1926 skrev den tyske for…”

(Via Dagbladet Information.)

Ellevte episode - Mediesnak med Henrik Føhns (Jacobs podcast)

Friday, March 24th, 2006

Jacob Bøtter var forbi og interviewe mig til sin podcast. En lang snak om medier, globalisering og navlepilleri:

Ellevte episode - Mediesnak med Henrik Føhns (Jacobs podcast): “Ellevte episode - Mediesnak med Henrik Føhns
Her indleder jeg min første føljeton, startet på baggrund af mit interview med Anders Høeg Nissen. Det handler om medier, ikke nødvendigvis nye medier, men i højere grad mediernes nye rolle.

Som en start er jeg draget ud til Henrik Føhns, journalist igennem 20 år som derudover blogger og podcaster. I hans daglige arbejde fungerer han som redaktør på Samvirke. Vi taler om hvorfor danskerne ikke er hoppet på den store blogging bandwaggon, hvordan medierne stiller sig overfor det og trækker en masse parelleler til hvad der er sket før i tiden. En lang, men spændende, snak som giver et godt grundlag til mange flere diskussioner.

Download podcast (52 minutter, 24 MB)”


Did Scientology and Tom Cruise threat South Park?

Saturday, March 18th, 2006

Top News Article | ”

‘South Park’ battle over Scientology heats up
Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:19 PM

Talk of the Town: South Park


By Steve Gorman
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actor Tom Cruise threatened to boycott promotion of his upcoming Paramount Pictures film unless a sister cable TV network pulled a ‘South Park’ rerun lampooning the Church of Scientology, industry sources said on Friday.

Representatives for Paramount and Cruise, a prominent Scientologist, denied he made any such threats or had anyt”


The Danish e-commerce awards

Saturday, March 18th, 2006

Thursday I moderated a session at the yearly Danish e-commerce awards about future technologies with Jens Roland of Innovationlab. Jon Lund did a fine job of liveblogging the event which was attended by 350 people = Danish e-bizz is on its way up again.


Ok, I’m now seated in my chair at one of the workshops at the .

In one of the meetingrooms in the 1600th century Copenhagen stockexchange - Børs-bygningen.

Interesting to see what’s this is about. I’ll keep you posted!”

(Via .)

Jyllandsposten will not be prosecuted in case about Muhammed cartoons

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006

Please download the English version of the decision made today by the Danish Public Prosecutor/Director of Public Prosecutions/Attorney General not to prosecute the Danish paper Jyllandsposten in the case about the Muhammed cartoons.

Rigsadvokaten: Pressemeddelelser: ”

Dokumentnavn 15/3-2006. Rigsadvokatens afgørelse i sagen om Jyllands-Postens artikel ‘Muhammeds ansigt’”


Filter Tech Companies in Bed with the Bad Guys

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

NPR has an interesting new blog called Mixed Signals

Filter Tech Companies in Bed with the Bad Guys:, one of the most popular blogs on the Internet, blocked in repressive regimes by American technology…”

(Via NPR Blogs: Mixed Signals.)

Blogs to Riches - The Haves and Have-Nots of the Blogging Boom — New York Magazine

Sunday, February 26th, 2006

Blogs to Riches - The Haves and Have-Nots of the Blogging Boom — New York Magazine: “New York Magazine”


Sex Pistols

Sunday, February 26th, 2006

Official announcement from the Sex Pistols regarding the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame


And the videoclip to accompany it: “Its what these people have done that is relevant, not what they wore while doing it…”

Via (


Wednesday, February 22nd, 2006


…and they want Denmark to apologize for some cartoons?

Ode an die Burenwurst

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2006

In love with a sausage: Burenwurst aus Wien

Dan Turélls hash udstilles på Politihistorisk Museum

Tuesday, February 21st, 2006 › Nyheder › Kultur › Dan Turélls hash udstilles på Politihistorisk Museum

The hash left behind by the late Danish author Dan Turéll in 1993 and ten years later confiscated by the police, when his widow wanted to sell his belongings by auction, can now be seen on display at the museum of Danish policehistory at Faelledvejen in Copenhagen. 11 gramme to be exact. I don’t know if he was ever translated into English. But he was the closest Denmark ever came to a beat poet. Apart from his friend Peter Laugesen of course.

I bike by every day. Maybe tomorrow I will go see the “rygeklump” of Uncle Danny and pay my due respect. He did some wonderfull and very witty poems about Buddha.


The Danish ugly duckling and the Muhammed cartoons

Monday, February 20th, 2006

Senior researcher Ulla Holm at the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) has analyzed Denmark, the welfare state and our understanding of ourselfes according to the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” by H. C. Andersen:

The Danish ugly duckling and the Muhammed cartoons - DIIS