Archive for January, 2006

The network is always stronger than the node

Wednesday, January 11th, 2006

Interview with Adriana Cronin-Lukas, The Big Blog Company, by Henrik Fohns


“The network is always stronger than the node”. This is the way Adriana always finishes her e-mails.

Download mp3 (30mb).

Adriana is a partner at and founder of the Big Blog Company, the first consultancy agency for blogging in the UK. She advices companies in Europe and the United States on how to use blogging, rss and other social media in their communication.

She is also one of the editors of the group-blog They call themselfes a “globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty”.

And she has her own blog: Mediainfluencer

Oh yes - MondoFunza loves girls with guns!